Douglas loves to look at the Christmas lights on people’s houses during the Christmas season, and they help point him back to the real meaning of Christmas.

the night Jesus was born, there were shepherds watching their sheep in a field nearby. Suddenly, there were angels all around them sharing the Good News of the birth of the promised Messiah! Can you imagine how the shepherds must have felt at that moment? What an incredible sight that must have been! The very best Christmas lights couldn’t even begin to compare with what the shepherds saw. On Christmas, the lights that we see people using to decorate their homes can remind us of the angels and their important message, that Jesus Christ has come to earth to save us from our sins. They can also remind us that Jesus is the light of the world! Sometimes Christmas decorations can distract us from what’s most important, but they can also help to remember what really matters. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Let’s celebrate the birth of our Savior! 

“Christmas Lights” Bible Verses:

• Luke 2:8-20 | The story of the shepherds and the angels.
• John 8:12 | Jesus is the Light of the world.

“Christmas Lights” Family Time Questions:

  • How would you have felt if you were one of the shepherds visited by the angels when Jesus was born?
  • How can Christmas lights remind us what’s most important this Christmas season?


Dear God, thank you for the Gift of your Son, Jesus. Help me to remember what the Christmas season is all about and to honor the Light of the World! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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