Christmas is the day that we celebrate Jesus’ birth, and Christmas is on December 25th. However, the Bible doesn’t actually tell us when Jesus was born. Not only does it not tell us the day, but even the season of His birth isn’t plainly said in Scripture. Some very old writings suggest that the early church celebrated Jesus’ birth on the 25th of December. It could be that they celebrated on that day because that’s the actual day that Jesus was born (again, the Bible doesn’t say for sure), but it might be because December 25th was the “official” day of the winter solstice in ancient Rome. The winter solstice is the day when the days start getting longer, which would make it a great metaphor for what happened when Jesus, the Light of the World, was born. We don’t know for sure when Jesus was born, but December 25th is still a great day to celebrate His birthday!
Bible Verses:
- Matthew 1-2 – The Birth of Jesus
- Luke 1-2 – The Birth of Jesus
- John 8:12 – Jesus is the Light of the World
- John 3:16 – God’s Gift to the world
Family Time Questions:
- Do we know exactly when Jesus was born?
- Should we only celebrate Jesus’ birth on His actual birthday?
- Why is December 25th a good day to celebrate Jesus’ birth?
“Dear God, thank You for sending us Your Son, Jesus. Please help us this Christmas season to remember what you have done for us in sending Your Son, Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
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